Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What Should I Blog About?

I've reached a point in my blogging where I'm not really sure what to write about. Just waiting for school to start creates a bit of a lull in interesting stuff to share. I've got a few topics in my back pocket, but I thought I would pose the question to my readers. What would you like me to blog about? Any advice you are looking for?


Anonymous said...

about the essays you're writing for your scholarships ;-)

Mo Zhou said...

:) That's a tough one, now you got your life back. Can't wait for your post when the school starts.

Anonymous said...

are you having any uncertainties? what will you fear/dread/not like very much about bschooL?

Samantha said...

how was welcome weekend?

Unknown said...

tiny-d, more posts about your plans between now and wharton? does wharton have any KWEST-like trips?

suzanne lanza said...

Hi- my name is suzanne, and i have followed your blog bc i work with MBA education reform at the Aspen Institute’s Center for Business Education.

We just published a research study on MBA student attitudes, and how they change over the course of one's MBA program. If you are interested you can find the summary on the homepage of our site: http://www.aspencbe.org/

[I would have emailed this to you, but couldn't find an email address. ]